The Magazine of American Municipal Power, Inc. and its Member Communities

Because You Belong

AMP Services Guide

13 min read



February 2023

By Zachary Hoffman, Manager of Communications and Publications

In the past, AMP has dedicated one issue of Amplifier each year to serve as an AMP Services Guide (ASG). The guide provides members with updated information on AMP, our programs and services, our employees and more. As Amplifier has transitioned to a digital format, so too has the guide.

In the following paragraphs, you will find information and links to all the sections that would traditionally be included in the ASG. These links lead to pages on the AMP website that are actively updated throughout the year, making them a more dependable source of information than a printed guide.

AMP Services

Advanced Metering Infrastructure Program (Digital Enablement Platform)

Public power utilities are being challenged to respond to increasing pressure from disruptions impacting the industry. The transformation to the digital grid requires that public power utilities leverage new technologies, industry knowledge and skill sets that deliver operational resilience and support changing infrastructure and business models.

AMP has developed, delivers, operates and supports a digital enablement platform. A foundational component of this is advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), which enables deployment of a wide range of technologies necessary to support smart city operations, including advanced metering, street lighting control and distribution automation. The Advanced Metering Infrastructure Program allows both large and small members to take advantage of top-tier technologies at an affordable price by enabling them to acquire meters and communications components under an aggregated purchasing agreement negotiated by AMP with partnering vendors. AMP hosts the back-office applications and manages the software integrations and IT infrastructure as well as providing supporting staff as a shared service to participating member utilities.

AMP staff provides overall program management, oversees individual equipment deployment and also provides ongoing support to the communities. AMP’s turnkey AMI solution allows both large and small members to take full advantage of the transformational power of a digital grid.

Contact: Brandon Poddany, Jared Price or Branndon Kelley

Learn more here:

Aggregation Services

Through its for-profit subsidiary, AMPO Inc., AMP provides natural gas aggregation consulting services for both member and non-member Ohio communities in the Columbia Gas of Ohio, Dominion Energy Ohio and CenterPoint Energy Ohio service territories. AMPO Inc., also works with non-member communities on electric aggregation programs.

Contact: Terry Leach

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AMP’s Amplifier magazine covers developments, issues and trends involving AMP, its members and the industry. Amplifier is available to the public at and serves as a great resource for elected and appointed decision makers in AMP member communities, as well as AMP consultants, vendors, key industry officials and officials of public power entities across the nation. Members are encouraged to submit content ideas.

Contact: Zachary Hoffman

Learn more here:


AMP Awards Program

The AMP Awards Program provides a great opportunity to draw attention to outstanding projects and people in your community. This is one way to let your peers and community know about your hard work, dedication and commitment to your local electric system. Members can nominate themselves or others for the AMP Service Distinction Award, Electric System Sustainability Award, Hard Hat Safety Award, Innovation Award, Public Power Promotion Award, Safety Award, AMP Seven Hats Award and System Improvement Award.

Contact: Holly Karg

Learn more here:


AMP Transmission

AMP Transmission, LLC (AMPT) is a wholly owned, not-for-profit limited liability company formed to plan, build, own and operate transmission facilities for the benefit of its members. AMPT provides cost-effective transmission, related services, and a competitive alternative for the benefit of AMP members to enhance reliability and ensure comparable service.

Contact: Ganesh Velummylum

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Board/Council Relations

Good relationships between electric utilities and their municipal councils and boards of public affairs are essential to providing efficient, reliable service to residential and commercial consumers. Rate adjustments, system improvements and other issues requiring council approval are facilitated through a good working relationship between the utility and its governing body. AMP can provide board/council educational material for use by member communities. AMP staff are also available to speak at board/council meetings.

Contact: Harry Phillips


Circuit Rider

The Circuit Rider program, which has been assisting AMP members since 1986, offers communities the services of a qualified electric field superintendent. For projects that need an experienced leader or an extra pair of experienced hands, AMP’s Circuit Rider can also provide assistance or training on a scheduled or special-project basis on various system topics. Circuit Rider is geared to AMP members who do not have enough qualified staff to complete their projects.

Contact: Scott McKenzie

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Community Energy Savings Program

AMP’s Community Energy Savings Program assists members to reduce their customers’ energy use during peak demand days/times helping to combat increasing transmission and capacity charges. AMP has developed products including:

  • Peak Alert Notifications — AMP issues peak alerts, with day-ahead and day-of instructions using a color-coded system to help members make more customized choices on how aggressively to peak shave. When peak events are forecasted, AMP encourages member communities to reduce demand.
  • Community Energy Savings Day Communication Toolkit — AMP provides free downloadable campaign communication materials including videos, fact sheets, sample messages, scripts, and images for social media posts for peak alert days.
  • Smart Thermostat Program: See listing below.

Contact: Erin Miller



The AMP Annual Conference is an event that includes a variety of activities relating to public power. The conference agenda includes AMP board and general membership meetings, presentations by industry experts, annual project participant meetings, elections, seminars, member awards presentations, utility-related exhibits, legislative reports and management updates.

Contact: Amanda Smithey

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AMP has created a Cybersecurity Assessment service for members leveraging best-practice frameworks and vulnerability tools to raise awareness about potential cyber vulnerabilities and actions that can be taken to protect their infrastructure. This assessment provides a snapshot of a utility’s security posture and actionable steps that can be taken to improve cyber posture. The output of each assessment is to deliver a thorough, consistent analysis and final report with budget considerations that can be used as part of a strategic cybersecurity roadmap.

Contact: Stephen Ivanko, Jared Price or Branndon Kelley


Distributed Generation

Distributed generation that is owned, or jointly owned, by AMP is a key part of decreasing the reliance of member communities on market power by providing a hedge against higher on-peak energy prices, as well as by providing capacity and transmission peak shaving. AMPCT, JV2 and JV6 are part of Distributed Generation. AMPCT consists of six 1960s-vintage, natural gas, simple cycle combustion turbines located at three sites for a total project rating of approximately 142 megawatts (MW). JV2 consists of three gas turbines and 34 diesel engines for a total project rating of approximately 137 MW. JV6 consist of three (originally four) wind turbines located in Bowling green for a total of approximately 7.2 MW.

AMP’s two reciprocating internal combustion engine (RICE) diesel generation projects include 14 sites and approximately 84 MWs.  There are two projects, the RTO project and PA project. The RTO project consist of eight sites in both Ohio and Pennsylvania for a total of approximately 50 MW. The PA project consists of six sites only in Pennsylvania for a total of approximately 34 MWs. AMP is considering a second phase of the behind the meter project.

Contact: Willey Sandell

Learn more here:


Economic Development

Available to all members, AMP’s Economic Development program is designed to foster load growth by attracting new leads and helping members promote their communities. The program supports representation with state and regional development authorities, independent lead generation, provides targeted digital marketing campaigns and access to training opportunities. In addition to direct assistance with economic development requests and inquiries, the program facilitates site attraction and development opportunities by leveraging AMP and member technical capabilities and benefits of public power. AMP’s economic development efforts are forward focused to best help member communities achieve their respective economic development goals.

Contact: Tim Boland

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EcoSmart Choice

The EcoSmart Choice® green-pricing program provides participating AMP members the ability to extend renewable generation to their residential, commercial and/or industrial customers, regardless of their current power supply mix. Customers of participating member communities can elect to offset all (100 percent) or a percentage (25, 50 or 75 percent) of their monthly electric usage with renewable energy certificates (RECs). Customers pay a small premium per kilowatt-hour on their monthly bills to support the purchase of RECs equivalent to the percentage of electricity they choose to offset. Green-pricing programs such as EcoSmart Choice® provide customers with an opportunity to achieve their renewable energy and/or sustainability goals beyond their current power supply.

Contact: Corey Hawkey

Learn more here:


Efficiency Smart

Efficiency Smart® is administered by VEIC and provides a wide range of energy efficiency services for subscribing AMP member utilities, and it encourages residential and business customers of those utilities to participate in services and install products that provide reliable and verifiable energy savings. Efficiency Smart’s services include financial incentives, technical assistance and account management services. These services are made available through a product menu that currently offers four different performance-based comprehensive initiatives and a performance-based commercial and industrial initiative at various price points. Members can get a 36-month contract for performance-based program services at any time due to the program’s rolling subscription feature. All energy and demand savings for the performance-based products are independently verified and guaranteed. Municipalities taking a performance-based service will be refunded for any guaranteed savings that are not delivered.

Contact: Steve Dupee

Learn more here:


Energy Control Center

The AMP Energy Control Center, operating around the clock, 365 days a year, is the nerve center for AMP’s power and transmission acquisition efforts. Since its inception in 1985, the Energy Control Center has always worked to minimize costs for participating communities through economic dispatch of a blend of long- and short-term power sources and peak-shaving methods.

Contact: Jerry Willman

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Engineering and Technical Services

Through its technical services, AMP is able to assist member communities with their electric system design, construction and project management needs. Services offered include design of transmission and distribution projects, project management, system reviews, mapping, infrared testing and power quality monitoring and analysis. System studies offered include short circuit, load flow and protective device coordination analysis.

Contact: Michelle Palmer or Jennifer Flockerzie

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Environmental Services

AMP provides members with high-quality, cost-effective compliance support and guidance tailored to meet their unique needs. AMP staff are available to assist members with compliance program development and implementation, permitting, internal auditing, inspections, reporting and other regulatory matters. Additionally, AMP’s Environmental Services team tracks regulatory developments at the state and national levels, submits comments on proposed rules, and provides regular updates on these activities.

Contact: John McGreevy


Focus Forward Initiative

The member-led Focus Forward Initiative updates members on industry trends, emerging technologies and assists with preparations for further integration of distributed energy resources (DER) onto their systems. The Focus Forward Initiative exposes members to advisory assistance from a cross section of member representatives, stakeholders, rate consultants, attorneys and AMP staff. Trends include, but are not limited to, electric vehicles, energy storage, behind-the-meter generation, demand response (DR) and technology integration platforms. Acknowledging the importance of proactive and smart action, the Focus Forward Initiative develops resources to assist with DER-related rate design, interconnection issues, DR guidance, customer engagement and communication.

Contact: Erin Miller


Grant Services

AMP has partnered with The Ferguson Group (TFG) to provide grant assistance and support to Members. TFG tracks and monitors federal and state grant opportunities that have the potential to benefit AMP members on a variety of issues. In addition to providing weekly grant alerts and educational webinars, this program also provides Members with access to a database of successful grant applications, a comprehensive grant profile library, access to TFG experts and a discount on tailored services.

Contact: Erin Miller



The Generation Operations group provides the administration, management and oversight of AMP generation assets. These assets include: the AMP Fremont Energy Center (AFEC), a nominal 700-MW natural gas combined cycle facility; the following  run-of-the-river hydroelectric facilities located on the Ohio River: the  42-MW Belleville Hydroelectric Plant (OMEGA JV5), the 88-MW Cannelton Hydroelectric Plant, the 105-MW Meldahl Hydroelectric Plant, the 76-MW Smithland Hydroelectric Plant, and the 44-MW Willow Island Hydroelectric Plant; the 3.54-MW AC Napoleon Solar Facility; and distributed generation located throughout Ohio (which includes OMEGA JV2).

AMP staff also supports the Prairie State Energy Campus project — a state-of-the-art, fossil-fueled generating facility of which AMP members own 368 MW; and the AMP Solar Phase II Project, which provides more than 58 MW of solar generation capacity in member communities. The generation department also provides troubleshooting and maintenance services to member communities that own and operate their own generation facilities.

Contact: Willey Sandell

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Hometown Connections

Hometown Connections, Inc. (HCI) was formed in 2018 when five public power entities, including AMP, purchased the majority of the assets of Hometown Connections International, a longtime subsidiary of the American Public Power Association. HCI is a nonprofit utility services organization offering public power utilities guidance and access to quality products and services from a trusted entity with public power’s best interests in mind. Hometown Connections is a resource to public power systems of all sizes, facilitating access to technology, services and other solutions from industry-leading companies.

Contact: Harry Phillips

Learn more here:


Key Accounts Services

AMP’s subscription-based Key Accounts Services program provides participants with value-added services designed to develop and enhance relationships with their existing key accounts. Customized services for key accounts include, but are not limited to, monthly energy use and cost-tracking analysis, annual energy usage reports, discounted energy audits and assessments, facilitation of grant and loan opportunities, single-system energy assessments such as compressed air, lighting or motors, and E-meter support. Services are available in both a comprehensive program offering and à la carte style.

Contact: Steve Dupee

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Legal Assistance

While AMP’s in-house legal team does not represent members directly, AMP’s legal team serves as an excellent resource to assist member systems and their local legal counsel in obtaining research and other information and assistance related to the legal needs of municipal electric systems. In addition, AMP may assist members in cases where there is a significant potential to impact many of AMP’s member systems. When necessary, AMP intervenes in regulatory proceedings at state utilities commissions, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and other state or federal regulatory agencies whose decisions and activities affect AMP or its members’ municipal electric systems.

Contact: Rachel Gerrick or Lisa McAlister

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Legislative Monitoring

Legislative activity at the state and federal level has the potential to impact AMP and member municipal electric systems. AMP follows legislative activity closely in the nine-state AMP footprint and in Congress. At the state level, protection of municipal rights and local control for members is paramount, as is ensuring that AMP’s projects continue to provide value and are not negatively impacted by energy or tax policy changes. At the federal level, energy policy, transmission rates, tax policy and local control are among the issues that AMP follows, working closely with the Ohio Municipal Electric Association (OMEA).

Contact: Michael Beirne

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Lineworker and Technical Training

AMP offers utility employee training courses to improve skills and increase knowledge of utility operations. Perhaps most familiar to member utilities are AMP’s certified apprentice lineworker training courses offered each year for various skill levels (beginner through advanced). Training seminars on other utility-related topics are scheduled according to member interest and needs. The AMP Technical Services Conference is held each spring and features a variety of utility related topics.

Contact: Jennifer Flockerzie or Scott McKenzie

Learn more here:


Mutual Aid

The Mutual Aid program is a network of municipal electric systems that stand ready to provide assistance to fellow municipal systems when local utility emergencies occur that are too widespread to be handled by one system alone. Participating member communities in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia are divided into mutual aid sectors, each with a coordinator who is responsible for organizing emergency response efforts.

Contact: Scott McKenzie

Learn more here:


NERC Compliance

Since 2007, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) standards have been mandatory and enforceable. AMP provides a NERC Compliance program to assist members that are registered with NERC. AMP provides regular webinars and written updates on changes to the NERC requirements that may impact its members. Through the program, AMP staff can assist with audit preparation, gap analysis program (GAP) analysis or spot checks of compliance documentation.

Contact: Amy Ritts



Formed in 1962, the Ohio Municipal Electric Association (OMEA) is the legislative liaison to 80 Ohio community-owned-and-operated municipal electric systems. OMEA advocates at the state and national levels on behalf of AMP and 80 Ohio member municipal electric systems. OMEA services include advocacy, coalition building, legislative and regulatory analysis, and grassroots activities. AMP also works closely with the other strategic public power groups in the nine-state AMP footprint to share strategies and support its members.

Although closely aligned with AMP, the OMEA is a separate, nonprofit entity guided by a 16-member Board of Directors. The OMEA Board of Directors is composed of 12 elected officials from member communities and four municipal electric systems representatives who may be, but are not required to be, elected officials of the communities they serve.

Contact: Michael Beirne

Learn more here:


OSHA Compliance

AMP’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) compliance program began in 2001. This subscription-based program expands on the general safety program. General safety topics are developed into the full policies and procedures required by law. More than 25 member communities subscribe to the program.

Contact: Kyle Weygandt

Learn more here:


Peak Shaving/Demand Response

One of the quickest and most effective ways a community can reduce its exposure to volatile transmission and capacity costs is through a demand response program, which can include backup/emergency generators, as well as load curtailment efforts involving municipal and customer facilities. AMP manages a demand response and peak shaving program on behalf of its members.

Contact: Craig Kleinhenz


Power Supply Planning

AMP staff assists member electric systems in assessing and filling the power supply needs of their communities using a diversified variety of resources to achieve the most economical and reliable blend of capacity and energy. As a part of this process, individual power supply plans are periodically prepared and updated twice per year for each AMP member.

Contact: Mike Migliore

Learn more here:


Promotions and Public Relations

AMP offers a variety of services to promote public power, including speakers, public relations, program planning and Public Power Week activities. Kits containing promotional items for use at local fairs and festivals are available, as well as the “Ernie Energy” public power mascot. The AMP power wheel brand can be used as a co-brand with an existing utility or municipal logo or can stand alone if no logo exists.

Contact: Holly Karg or Amanda Smithey

Learn more here:


Public Power Certification

The Public Power Certification program consists of a series of one-hour webinars designed to provide information about the technical and regulatory aspects of the electric utility industry, AMP member services and programs, and information about public power as a whole. Participants who complete all sessions will receive the AMP Public Power Certification and are recognized in AMP publications and at the AMP Annual Conference.

Contact: Brian Hickman


Public Power Connections

Public Power Connections is a content hub located on the password-protected Member Extranet on AMP’s website. It is designed to benefit AMP members with a repository of toolkits and sharable content to communicate with their customers, helping to provide a better understanding of the electric industry and benefits of public power.

Contact: Holly Karg


Safety Program

AMP’s general safety program is designed for municipal electric utility employees. AMP safety coordinators provide general overviews on a variety of safety-related skills and topics. Quarterly meetings are held with all Class I members. Regional safety training is offered periodically throughout the year. Virtual safety trainings are available periodically and on the AMP member-extranet. AMP’s safety team can be contracted to provide additional safety services above the normal quarterly visits.

Contact: Kyle Weygandt or Scott McKenzie

Learn more here:


Scholarships Program

AMP’s Scholarships Program was developed to encourage high school seniors in AMP member communities to further their education and to create an awareness of careers in the municipal electric utility field. The Richard H. Gorsuch Scholarship is a one-time award presented to a student whose parent or guardian is an employee of an AMP member municipal electric department or an employee of AMP. The Lyle B. Wright Scholarship is a one-time award to eligible students whose households receive electricity from AMP member communities. Since 1988, AMP has distributed $438,000 in scholarship awards.

Contact: Amanda Smithey

Learn more here:


Smart Thermostat Program

New subscription-based program using a distributed energy resource management system to manage enrolled connected devices during peak events. Customers who agree to allow their thermostats to be adjusted during peak events receive a one-time $55 enrollment incentive. Customers may use almost any Wi-Fi enabled thermostat of their choosing. Members will see approximately 1kilowatt (kW) of savings for each enrolled thermostat per event. No cost for the first year for members enrolled before December 2022; years 2-5 cost is $80/thermostat enrolled/year.

Contact: Erin Miller

Learn more here:


Solar Development

Solar power can serve as an excellent resource for meeting summer peak power needs. AMP is pursuing development of additional solar capacity as a hedge against potentially rising peak power prices and to mitigate rising transmission costs. Behind-the-meter solar installations also provide transmission savings and capacity value for participating communities. AMP’s first solar development of a 3.54-MW, alternating current (AC) installation was completed in the City of Napoleon in 2012.

AMP’s Solar Phase II project, which includes 16 solar facilities in member communities in Ohio, Virginia, Michigan and Delaware, is a partnership with DG AMP Solar, LLC, a subsidiary of NextEra Energy Resources. All solar sites for the project are now in commercial operation with a final project subscription of 58.325 MWs. AMP purchases the energy output from these projects.

Contact: Willey Sandell

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AMP promotes sustainability initiatives to members and the public. These efforts include AMP’s annual sustainability report, as well as member energy supply sustainability reports. In addition, representatives from all AMP departments participate on AMP’s E-Team, which is charged with upholding AMP’s sustainability principles and engaging AMP employees through programs, activities and resources that support civic responsibility, health and wellness.

Contact: Corey Hawkey

Learn more here:



Update is AMP’s weekly member e-newsletter that presents articles on electric industry events and related happenings from AMP. It also provides a forum for timely announcements from member communities. Members are encouraged to submit content ideas or classified ads.

Contact: Zachary Hoffman

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